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Jose Isidro


Farmer: Jose Isidro

Origin: Honduras

Region: Copan

Preparation: washed / dried on raised beds in solar drier 

Our Use: 60 bags

Our relationship with Jose Isidiro started as we were looking for a Honduras coffee to use in our partnership with Heart to Honduras. A non-profit based not far from our roasters, Heart to Honduras seeks to improve the lives of the people of Honduras through a number of aid missions. They decided that part of their work would be selling Honduran coffee locally and in turn donating some of the proceeds back through their work.

After hearing of this, we took a discovery trip to a number of co-ops based out of Honduras to help find Heart to Honduras their best coffee that also could do some of the most good through our direct business. Traveling with Adam Kline from the importer Atlantic Specialty Coffee we met with Jose Isidiro and a number of other farmers and took samples back to Dayton for roasting and cupping. Jose’s stood out in a blind tasting, which was encouraging given the quality of the equipment and care that he took of his farm. Each year, the coffee continues to develop in it’s flavor, in no small part due to Jose’s reinvestment of his profits into equipment. At first, he used concrete slabs to dry the beans, but he has sincebuilt a solar drier that gives more of a control over the dryer period.

We currently purchase threevarieties from Jose Isidro, the Catuai, Caturra and Obata. Catuai is a little more delicate, with a lighter acidity, more floral and softer fruit tones. More recently, we have also started buying his Caturra, a bolder and more sweeter coffee.







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